Abraxas Financial Services 

Office Contents

Keep your business running

What’s included with office contents insurance?

When it comes to insuring your office contents, we’ve spared no detail. That’s because every business is unique and has different risks that they need to protect themselves against.

For instance, while you might own a run-of-the-mill office that deals with sales and related admin, and you only want to cover the actual contents of your space, like your phones, desks, and computers… Another business might want to also include cover for the super important documents that they deal with, as well as add on legal liability insurance that’s specific to those documents.

Wherever your business is vulnerable, we’ve got you covered.

Office contents insurance options

Instead of bundling together loads of risks that might not be relevant to your office’s set-up and day-to-day dealings (which would be expensive and a complete waste), we’ve split our cover for office contents into 5 categories.

  1. Office contents

  2. Rent and alternative premises

  3. Documents

  4. Legal liability (documents)

  5. Increased cost of working

Office contents

Your actual office contents. Under this option, we’ll cover loss or damage to the office contents at your business address. This pretty much includes the landlord’s fixtures and fittings that you’re responsible for, any furniture, movable property and office machinery, and other contents of your office.

The specific risks that are covered:

  • Accidental damage or breakage of mirror glass, plate glass tops to furniture, or fixed glass forming part of any item of furniture.

  • Damage or loss caused by fire, lightning, thunderbolt, subterranean fire or explosion.

  • Impact by animals, trees, aerials, satellite dishes or vehicles, excluding damage to such animals, trees, aerials, satellite dishes or vehicles, or property in or on such cars.

  • Damage that’s caused by storm, wind, water, hail, snow, or earthquakes.

  • Any damage that’s caused by falling aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped from them.

  • Intentional acts by other people.

Get a quote

Contact us today and one of our consultants will contact you back to start protecting your personal assets.