Abraxas Financial Services 

Hospitality and Tourism

What it covers

Insurance for the tourism industry

Is your holiday resort, guesthouse or game farm a popular destination for tourists every year? If entertaining guests is your livelihood, Santam’s hospitality and leisure insurance solutions will provide complete peace of mind, knowing that this cover was designed to address the specific travel, catering and hospitality needs of your business.

Why do hospitality and leisure companies need specialist insurance?

The hospitality and leisure industry can be a high risk environment for both customers and employees. For many smaller businesses – such as pubs, restaurants, B&Bs, and takeaways – these risks mean that choosing the hospitality insurance or leisure insurance cover you need can be confusing.

  • Understanding your needs
    Our dedicated team works with you to understand the challenges your unique business can face, and to provide insurance cover tailored to your needs.

  • Protection for what’s important
    We offer a variety of insurance policies to protect your business, with solutions including cover for your assets and earnings, liability policies, and loss of licence.

  • Cover for many types of business
    Whether you run a hotel or guest house, a catering firm or a takeaway, a nightclub or a pub; we are able to help you.

How our hospitality insurance and leisure insurance experts can help

Our team is dedicated to all businesses. We understand the help you need to protect the time, effort, and resources you put in every day; taking the stress out of insurance so that you can get on with what matters – your business.

Get a quote

Contact us today and one of our consultants will contact you back to start protecting your personal assets.